Lymphatic massage after tummy tuck: a solution for lymphedema

Getting a lymphatic massage after a tummy tuck reduces the risk of swelling and bruising on the surgical site. Pain and discomfort that may be potentially caused by these can also be reduced.

massage after tummy tuck

Getting a massage after tummy tuck, is it recommended, or should you shy away from it? This article will focus on the recovery period of a tummy tuck surgery and if a massage should be included in the recovery regimen. If you have recently had a tummy tuck, more information is available at the DrTummyTuckMelbourne clinic’s page you will find aftercare advice.


Recovery from a tummy tuck surgery

During the recovery period, the patient can expect to feel some tightness around the abdomen. The reason behind this is that there was some excess skin that was removed during the surgery, and this will result in the tightening of the abs. Many patients have a hard time standing straight for the first few weeks following the surgery.

Although recovery is different for each patient, your surgeon will give you instructions on how to tend to your incision during recovery, and watch out for infection. You will be prescribed antibiotics and pain medications that you should take according to the recommendations of your doctor. Mild pain and discomfort are normal but should go away after some time. Your doctor may recommend a lymphatic massage to cope with post-surgical lymphedema on your wound.

massage after tummy tuck

What is a lymphatic massage?

This type of massage is done to prevent any fluid from accumulating in the area of the tummy tuck. Many cosmetic surgeons will recommend having a lymphatic massage around three to four weeks after the surgery to help the patient cope with any discomfort because of the lymphedema.

Benefits of getting a lymphatic massage after tummy tuck

Getting a lymphatic massage after a tummy tuck reduces the risk of swelling and bruising on the surgical site. Pain and discomfort that may be potentially caused by these can also be reduced. This massage will also help the patient see if their desired results have been achieved more quickly. It will also allow the patient to monitor if any infections are forming on the incision.

How long until a patient can resume normal activities?

You might need to adjust your lifestyle for the first few weeks after the surgery. You may need to sleep at an incline for the first few days, to accommodate the fact that you may not be able to lay down and sit up straight until your skin adjusts.

Your surgeon will encourage you to keep moving to recover quicker, even if it just to take a leisurely walk every day. This can help you avoid blood from clotting in your legs and the surgical site as well as to promote healing. You can most likely resume your normal activities after around four to six weeks after the surgery. A lymphatic massage will help to make sure that this timeframe is met by draining the surgical site.

Tips for a speedy recovery

The bottom line is not to expect that recovery is the same for everyone. Take your time, eat healthy food and follow what your surgeon recommends for medicines, rest and when to resume work. If you follow these recommendations, your recovery will happen faster than you think. Your doctor knows best, it is wise to talk to them should you have any questions during your recovery.