Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

Have you ever wondered about the differences between chiropractic and a physical therapy? Rehabilitation and pain management are popular words in today’s world which is why these two are widely accepted. Chiropractic and physical therapy are very similar, yet vastly different. Let’s take a look at a few main differences between the two.

chiropractic and physical therapy

Have you ever wondered about the differences between chiropractic and a physical therapy? Rehabilitation and pain management are popular words in today’s world which is why these two are widely accepted. Chiropractic and physical therapy are very similar, yet vastly different. Let’s take a look at a few main differences between the two.

Chiropractic philosophy mainly focuses on the health of the spine and vertebral column. Basically, your spinal cord is connected to your brain and is protected and runs down the middle of your vertebral column. The spinal cord has many nerves and branches that supply different areas of your body from contracting the biceps muscle to going to the stomach to digest food. If the spine has a vertebra that is out of place, it can pinch and cause pressure on the nerve in that area, which can cause dysfunction to \where that nerve supplies. For example, the nerve that supplies your stomach is located in the mid-back area. If someone is having stomach issues, adjusting the mid-back can give relief to stomach issues. Chiropractors work to keep the spine aligned so the body can function as efficiently as possible. Many other aches and pains can come from the spine being “out of place”. By adjusting these bones, it can cause relief. chiropractic and physical therapy

Physical therapists are also widely used for rehabilitation and pain management. There are many forms of physical therapy from orthopedics to working in a nursing home. Their main function is to keep the muscles moving and working efficiently to keep someone healthy. For example, if someone has knee surgery, they will start seeing a physical therapist after their surgery to work out the muscles surrounding the knee to keep them healthy and functioning properly.

These two forms of healthcare are different, yet they want to accomplish the same goal; to promote health. Whether it is by usting the spine or rehabbing a knee, the end result is to help the patient.