Acupressure for TMJ disorder

Acupressure is one of the treatment methods in traditional Chinese medicine for quite a long time. It relates to the self-treatment mechanism widely applied in Chinese medicine, where an external force like massage or physical pressure is applied on the certain spots of the body to activate or initiate the self-healing process of the body itself.

acupressure for tmj

Acupressure is one of the treatment methods in traditional Chinese medicine for quite a long time. It relates to the self-treatment mechanism widely applied in Chinese medicine, where an external force like massage or physical pressure is applied on the certain spots of the body to activate or initiate the self-healing process of the body itself. Acupressure highly emphasizes the smooth flow of energy circulating the body and help resolve or alleviate any imbalance or blockage of energy to prevent pain and illness.

When experiencing pain, you might have wondered, “What pain and illness do acupressure treat?” Does acupressure help with toothache?

One of the crucial applications of Acupressure is for the temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ disorder. It indicates any health issues or symptoms generated at the dual joints where the jawbone and skull are connected to. This area belongs to one of the most complex joints in the body as there may be numerous body parts involved, including muscles, bones, ligament, pelvis, resulting in overall TMJ disorder. Common symptoms like headache or migraine, pain from chewing or moaning, malocclusion where upper teeth and bottom teeth are not aligned correctly, and so forth.

A TMJ disorder can be alleviated by various means, including medication, hot compression, wearing a device to ease pain, acupressure, and surgery if much serious. Acupressure for TMJ disorder has proven to be an effective method to alleviate symptoms and relax muscles as well as minimize the recurrence of any potential issues. It’s also a non-invasive method, which prevents the need for medication or surgery.

acupressure for tmjBy utilizing fingers or specially designed appliance to apply pressure to these points at TMJ continuously, the energy at TMJ starts to circulate around the spots and then become much rapidly, resulting in relaxed jaw muscles and therefore creating a so-called “much-balanced environment” at TMJ area in Chinese medicine.

Still, Acupressure for TMJ disorder belongs to a mild pain reliever and a gradual improvement method rather than a direct remedy that instantly resolves the issue, and it is best implemented under the guidance of a physician to maximize the effect without causing any harm.